Tuesday, May 5, 2009

POET Premier

This month, we are hosting a short film premier on Second Thursday, during the Capitol Hill Art Walk.

A blocked poet at the end of his days is stuck in an isolating routine at the edge of the world. He lives a bleak life, colorless, featureless, empty of human contact. The one exception: a list hanging on the poet's cupboard of everyone he has known. Name after name slowly gets crossed off the list with no reaction from the poet. Time passes. Unable to cross off the final name, a sudden impulse unlocks the poet's imagination and sensual memories, leading to a strange new artistic process: a form of alchemy.

Filmed in the dead of winter in Eastern Washington, Poet explores the life of the elderly, pushed out of the active flow of modern life and into still and often stagnant pockets. The protagonist suffers the pain of an unproductive artist, uninspired and unable to even remember what inspiration feels like. His way back into the land of the living is a strange journey through the eyes of the dead, reminding us how words have the power to set us free, and how an artist who has lived and lost can bring magic back into the world.

This 13 minute long, locally produced short starring Wil Mohney, Co-Produced by Val Mohney, directed by Jesiah Bell, Carey Christie, and Fort Dudak will be shown starting at sundown on Thursday, May 14th, and consecutively throughout the evening.

Thursday, May 14th

Followed by SunTzu Sound, at 9pm
jazz + soul + past + present + future

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