Knena Williams
Artist Biography and Statement
Knena Williams is a talented artist from Tacoma, Washington. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interior Design from Washington State University, Pullman. As a recent graduate she is currently creating a new body of work that explores the relation between art and interior spaces. Her work consists of conceptual sculptures with an emphasis on plaster and clay. Knena’s work can be found in private collections. She works in various mediums including photography, collage, print, painting, and sculpture.
I like creating stories to stir up images and concepts that I later take to construct several visual compositions. Unlike a story board, the viewing experience does not tell a story of sequenced events, but of environments. Light and shadow is the driving inspiration behind my work which sheds an ethereal view on everyday materials. Creating sculptures and exposing the interior surfaces with light or darkness is captured with digital photography. The common connection among all humans is the concept of shelter. Space. Interior design is so basic in relating to our human needs and social environments. The idea of wrapping space around or opening it up closely examines how we cultivate the very skin and bones of our society. This fascinates me.
I <3 Art...see more of my work at